The many faces of Max and Mia

We have been seriously busy.  As of Friday, I have 13 days of first grade teaching experience under my belt.

Turns out, starting completley over, is good for the soul.

Three weeks into the new school year and I’m embracing some change in my life.  Like for instance, getting Mia to pre-school and Max to his precious babysitter, all before 7:45a.m.  If you’ve never seen a couple of frantic freaks running around at 7:10am, just swing by sometime.  We’re tossing bottles, throwing lunches together, brushing teeth, changing diapers, searching for shoes (usually Troy’s) and this is not done with calm voices and quiet footsteps.  And don’t think for a minute that pouring that last cup of coffee in your coffee cup won’t get you yelled at.   Somedays I get out the door with my hair half done and toothpaste on my chin, somedays it’s worse.  Somedays it’s noon before someone lets me know about it.  Our weekddays start with a locked front door, leaving the living room looking like a violent event just took place in the vacinity.  We throw one kid in my car and the other in Troys, and speed off in separate directions.

Day by day I say.

Day by day.

Because at 4pm, it’s time to cuddle on the couch.

Max will be 6 months old soon, and his personality is seriously chill.  He’s just happy to be wherever he happens to be.  He doesn’t really care what kind of commotion in going on around him, as long as his belly is full.

"Make me a bottle devil woman!"

And so far, he’s even survived Mia.


Shall we just say that big sisters can be really clumsy.

and annoying……

and emotional……

and irrational…….

all the time…….

But we won’t go in to that right now.

“Is this drool ever gonna stop running down my chin?”  (that’s what he has to be thinking by now)

“Will these dang teeth ever come in?”

“Will she ever stop gettin in my space?”

“Will I ever get rid of these kankles?”

“Will I ever be able to get my big toe in my mouth?”

These have got to be the thoughts going on in his not so little cranium.

Because after all, the torment started early early in his little life…..

And the next thing I know, he’ll be asking for a donut….

….and Lord knows Mias got his back on that one……

6 thoughts on “The many faces of Max and Mia

  1. Beautiful Children and great thoughts from their MOM. If the truth be known, a lot of homes have the same things happening as both parents get off to work. Love it..

  2. OH sweet daughter, these are the GOOD DAYS!!!!! take every moment in because you never get them back. I wouldn’t trade you and Laurens growing up years for anything in the world! I love ya so much. mums

  3. i agree with your mom.. times passes by so fast. I wish for just a day i could have my three be little again.. and morning are super crazy here too. :)Max and Mia are just precious..Love the pictures

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